Day 6: The band is back together! Well, for a minute.
Folks, this chapter (1 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 18-19) has it all! It has political intrigue, it has supernatural insight as we see the curtain pulled back on the scene in heaven, it has war, and it introduces us to Ahab’s successor. We will look at 1 Kings 22, but you can read 2 Chronicles 18-19 as well for more insight!
So, the band is back together! Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom side by side! Well, kind of. Ahab wants to take some territory back, and Jehoshaphat is willing to help him, but he wants to ask the Lord first! Ahab brings in the false prophets! Jehoshaphat realizes this and he says, “Hey man, can’t we get a real prophet of the Lord in here.” I love Jehoshaphat’s discernment!
I laugh every time I read this because Ahab knows that Micaiah isn’t going to say what he wants to hear, and because Jehoshaphat is trying to teach Ahab what a king should look, act, and sound like! Before you ask, Elijah is out of the Northern Kingdom picture for the moment with the mission God had given him on Sinai to anoint new leadership in Israel and Aram, and to call Elisha.
There is so much we could unpack here, but first look at what Micaiah says when Ahab’s servant said, “Just go with the flow, bro.” He replied, “Fella, I can only say what the LORD tells me to say.” Church, it is so easy just to go with the flow, but we are called to be a set apart (sanctified, holy) people who share the word of the Lord. Especially when the masses are saying otherwise. How do we know the word of the Lord? We read it, we hide it in our heart, we live it! Remember what Peter says:
So even when the masses are saying the same thing, if it’s against the Word of God, we must be a light like Micaiah, even if it means we end up on the wrong end of the system!
At the end of the day, this was God’s plan to remove Ahab from the throne of Israel to bring the downfall that He had prophesied in the chapters before. But even still, he allowed Ahab a life raft by the true Word of God from Micaiah, but Ahab refused the warning.
Also, this is just how my mind works, the false prophets and the carnal spirits show themselves, like Zedekiah, when someone speaks in opposition. Don’t be like those people. Back to the story:
In verse 34 you have the biggest air quotes around the word “randomly.” At the end of the day Ahab aligned himself with a lost woman and was his own worst enemy. Despite warning after warning and repentance opportunities galore, Ahab stayed in his sins. Church, God’s Word always has the final say. I’ve read that last book; the victory is ours. For all of those who are called children of God, He will wipe away every tear! There will be no mourning or sadness, there will be no sickness or pain, because in the end, the old order of things will have passed away! (Revelation 21) Let us heed His word, live in His will, serve according to his purpose, and we will experience His glory!
(Paul Harvey voice) And now, the rest of the story.
Jehoshaphat was a good king, he did not purge Judah of all the pagan shrines, but he did follow the Lord. In Chronicles, Jehoshaphat is convicted by a prophet named Jehu for aligning himself in that war despite Micaiah’s warning, but for the most part, Jehoshaphat ended his reign very well. Unfortunately for the Northern Kingdom, Ahab’s son Ahaziah was just like his dad.
So what are today’s practical take aways.
Know the word of God well enough to know when the message, even of the majority, is wrong.
Stand up for the truth, even if it puts us in a tough spot.
Have the mindset of a victor not a victim, our God is on the throne, and the battle is His!
(Bonus) Do not be like Zedekiah – playing prophet and then lash out when opposition (from God) arose.
I pray you are experiencing God’s presence in your life in a deeper and closer way! I’ve heard testimony after testimony of those who have been reading tons of scripture and are loving the things they are discovering! Keep it up, God is at work! Have a blessed day!