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Day 3: Photosynthesis

Any time that I begin to ponder the majesty of our world and the mysteries of God’s creation, a couple of things usually happen. First, I quickly come to the end of my understanding of it all. Maybe that’s due to my lack of paying attention in science classes. Second, what little I do understand, always blows my mind at how perfect our Creator made everything to support, sustain, and allow life to succeed! God’s wisdom and majesty is truly as Isaiah says in chapter 40, unsearchable!

Isaiah 40:28 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary;
his understanding is unsearchable.

One aspect of creation that always blows my mind is that the plants and the vegetation of the world breath in what we can’t (carbon dioxide) and produce what we need (oxygen) in a process called photosynthesis.  I always learn better with my eyes than my ears, so I will give you a picture to describe this process!

God created a perfect, life-sustaining environment for you and me to live, work, and worship! Fast forward from Genesis 1 to 2025, there are an estimated 8 billion people in the world, and God’s creation is still producing the perfect environment for us to live. Don’t listen to those who would have you panic about that. When I think of the wonders of our existence, the signs all point to a Creator with unsearchable wisdom. Every aspect of our world points to the God of the Bible!

Now for us, what does that have to do with anything as we are spending time in prayer and fasting? Let’s look at what Jesus says in Matthew 7 during the Sermon on the Mount.

Matthew 7: 16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

We’ve talked the first couple of days about where we are rooted and making sure we are rooted. We are fasting things that are distractions, time wasters, or unhealthy in our lives so that we can make sure that our environment is conducive for spiritual health and growth. Today we see that Jesus is extremely concerned with us producing good fruit. In fact, He mentions twice that we will know and be known by our fruit.

If we are going to bear good fruit our roots must be in good soil. For our spiritual life that good soil is the Word of God and community with His people. On top of being rooted in good soil, we must make sure that we are active in, what I like to call, Spiritual Photosynthesis. Yes, this is the analogy that will never end! Take another look at the picture of the photosynthesis process. If we are going to produce the fruit of life when it comes to having a Godly impact on those around us, here is the process of Spiritual Photosynthesis:

  • The Sun – The presence of God

  • The Carbon Dioxide – Our prayer life

  • The Water – Our praise and worship

  • The Soil – The Word and the community of believers

If we are going to produce good fruit, these are the essential nutrients in our lives that we cannot live without! Are you missing any of these?

Today, let’s ask the Lord to help us survey our spiritual lives and see if we are lacking somewhere in the process! We do not want to be thistles or thorn bushes. We want to be fruitful and vibrant Christians who have a positive impact on our communities and families!

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