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Loving God,
Loving our Neighbor,
& Making Disciples

Our Mission

The mission of our church is simple, love God with all we have, love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and make disciples along the way.

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this; You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.

Mark 12:30-31

New Covenant Church

Who we are

New Covenant Church is a vibrant and welcoming community centered on Jesus Christ and grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Our goal is straightforward: to lead people to honor and glorify Jesus Christ. We're not about buildings or complicated religious systems. We're about helping individuals from all walks of life discover the joy and fulfillment that comes from knowing and serving Jesus.

We understand that visiting a new church can be intimidating, so we strive to create an environment where you'll feel welcomed and not like an outsider. Whether you choose to participate actively or simply observe, you'll find a warm atmosphere, practical teachings from God's Word, and a community of friendly people pursuing God together. With childcare and classes for all ages, your whole family will feel right at home. 

God promises in the Bible that if we seek Him, we will find Him. You are a cherished part of God's creation, and His deepest desire is to be in relationship with you. Join us as we journey together in pursuing God.


Family-Friendly Environment

We believe that church should be a place for people of all ages. Our Sunday services include dedicated children's ministries, offering a safe and engaging environment for kids to learn about Christ while parents enjoy the service.

New Covenant Church


Meaningful Worship & Practical Teaching

Each worship service is designed to help you connect with God through heartfelt worship and practical, Bible-based teachings. Our goal is to provide guidance and inspiration that you can apply to your everyday life.

New Covenant Church


Strong & Caring Leadership

Our leadership team, consisting of pastors and elders, is committed to providing sound, practical, biblical teaching and spiritual care. They are deeply dedicated to Christ and to guiding our community to living out His will.

New Covenant Church
New Covenant Church

A Warm & Welcoming Community

We make every effort to ensure you feel like you belong. From the moment you walk through our doors, you'll be greeted with open arms and friendly face, ready to make you feel at home.

Core Beliefs

    • That the 66 books of the Old and New Testament were inspired by the Spirit of God as originally written

    • That the Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct (2 Timothy 3:16)

    We believe the Bible to be the complete Word of God.

    • The Father

    • The Son

    • The Holy Spirit

    We believe in on God, Creator of all, holy, sovereign, eternal, existing in three equal Persons.

    • In His eternal existence, with the Father in pre-incarnate glory

    • In His work of creation, in His virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary death and bodily resurrection

    • In His triumphant ascension, mediatorial ministry and personal return

    We believe in the absolute and essential deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    • That the 66 books of the Old and New Testament were inspired by the Spirit of God as originally written

    • Who convinces of sin, of righteousness and of judgement

    • Who regenerates, indwells, seals, sanctifies, illuminates and comforts those who believe in Jesus Christ

    • Who baptizes believers at conversion into the Body of Christ and bestows upon them His gifts sovereignly as He wills and fills those yielded to Him

    We believe in the absolute and essential deity, and in the personality of the Holy Spirit.

    • That by the sin of disobedience he fell from that state

    • That all his posterity inherited spiritual depravity and defilement

    • That all men therefore are guilty before God and condemned to physical and spiritual death

    We believe that Adam was divinely created in the image of God.

    • That by the Father, Christ voluntarily suffered a propitiatory death

    • That justification is by faith alone in the all-sufficient sacrifice and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ

    • That those whom God has effectually called shall be divinely preserved and ultimately perfected I the image of the Lord

    We believe that salvation is by the sovereign grace of God

Leadership Team

We are blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ, accomplishing His will and creating Disciples.


Rev. Michael C. Blevins | Senior Pastor

Rev. Michael C. Blevins has served as New Covenant's Senior Pastor since April 2021. Michael is a graduate of Ohio Christian University with a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Ministries and a Master's Degree in Practical Theology. He and his wife, Kenna, have three children; Merrick, Daphne, and Carolina. Pastor Michael's desire is to lead all who attend New Covenant into a deeper knowledge and understanding of Scripture and a deeper relationship with Jesus as well as equip them to impact their circle of influence for Christ.


TrevEr Thompson | Associate Pastor

Learn more about Trever Soon!

New Covenant Church

Greg & Teresa Leeth | Global Impact Pastors

Greg and teresa have served New Covenant Church since 2011 using an Acts 1:8 model to raise community and global outreach awareness through church, parachurch, and community partnerships. Greg and Teresa also provide pastoral care to missionaries serving in the America's and Papua New Guinea in collaboration with the Churches of Christ in Christian Union and World Gospel Mission.

New Covenant Church

Melody Wiseman | Congregational Care Pastor

Melody has served as New Covenant's Congregational Care Pastor since June of 2017. Melody also serves on the New Covenant's Worship Team and leads the Woman's Ministry. She and her husband Billy have 3 daughters: Paige (Davis), Madison (Abe) and Morgan and 4 grandchildren.


Roy Belt | Men's Pastor

Learn more about Roy soon!


Join us this Sunday!

New Covenant Church

Angie Copeland | Children's Director

Angie joined the New Covenant Ministry Team as Children's Director in August 2022. Angie comes to New Covenant with over 23 years of experience in Children's Ministry and 6 years of experience as a Children's Ministry Director. She is excited to partner with you and your family to lead your kids into a closer relationship with Jesus! Angie and her husband, Nate, have been married for over 26 years and have two children: Hunter and Allie.

New Covenant Church

Lee & Leah Penix | Youth Directors

Learn more about Lee & Leah soon!

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